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9 Aug 2016

Building Better Bee Hives

Among all the applications for polymer nails and staples who would have thought about bee hives?

But yes, Raptor can provide great advantages to building bee hives too! Here is a great case study and testimonial about how polymer fasteners stand up better out in the elements than traditional metal nails and staples.

Sweet Combs of Honey, in Georgia USA, is a family owned and operated business. We produce pure, raw honey and honey based cosmetic products.

We initially used metal nails and screws to construct our bee hives, frames and feeders. We lost several hives to the drought so we have to maintain a constant water source for the bees. This combination of the moisture with the metal fasteners was a huge concern for us because of the risk of rust. Rust on the boxes and feeders could over time find its way into the frames of honey. From the wildflower to the hive and the hive to the bottle we pride ourselves on producing products that are 100% pure, natural and free of contaminants, environmental pollutants and additives.

We learned about RAPTOR® fasteners and recently purchased 1¼" composite nails and their 15 gauge tool. We tried them out first on our hive boxes and then our feeders. We glued ¾" boards together and used the RAPTOR® nails to hold the boxes while the glue set. We were careful not to leak the excess glue into the hives. The hives held strong. The wonderful thing is that RAPTOR® nails can be left in the boards without fear of rust or corrosion. They can be sanded down or sheared off. The look of the boxes is much nicer and cleaner than with the metal. We then began to use RAPTOR® nails to assemble our feeders.

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To date we are very pleased with the results and are now looking forward to assembling our honey frames with the RAPTOR® 18 gauge brad nails.

The RAPTOR® nails help us to maintain the purity and quality we value in our products.

Brandon and LaDonna, BeeKeepers/Owners

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