3 Mar 2016

10 Reasons to Re-think Metal Fasteners

The day may come soon where the humble metal nail or staple becomes obsolete. Polymer fasteners are the new technology and outperform metal fasteners across a range of important areas.

Metal fasteners are at a distinct disadvantage. Here are 10 reasons why they may soon be at the bottom of your toolbox!

1. Equipment Damage:

Metal fasteners can damage your equipment - especially bits, blades and abrasives.

Polymer fasteners can be treated exactly like the timber you are working with – they can be cut, sanded and shaped to suit with no need to remove them or work around them.

2. Corrosion & Rust:

Metal fasteners can rust, delaminate and cause staining on your timber. Polymer fasteners on the other hand don’t. They can be left where they are and you can save time and labour by not needing to remove them.

3. Time & Money:

The damage caused to equipment by metal fasteners can cost you time and money.

4. Wood Deterioration:

Sometimes metal fasteners can actually deteriorate wood through condensation and corrosion. Polymer fasteners have a similar thermal conductivity to the wood itself, which means that this deterioration and corrosion doesn’t take place.

5. Putty:

Metal fasteners can’t be sanded back and have to be puttied up before wood finishes can be applied.

Polymer fasteners can be sanded with the wood and will accept paint and stains so there is no need to waste time puttying.

6. Electrolysis & Galvanic Corrosion:

Polymer fasteners don’t oxidise, rust and corrode when used with other metals. Metal fasteners have all sorts of corrosion and rusting issues.

7. Not Strong Enough:

Metal fasteners provide half the tensile holding power that polymer fasteners do. Polymer fasteners actually fuse with the material you are using to create a super strong bond far superior to metal fasteners.

8. Can’t be used in Microwave, MRI or RF Applications:

Metal fasteners cannot be used in microwave applications and there is a danger of arcing under high temperatures. Polymer fasteners are safe to use in these instances.

9. Chemical and Weather Erosion:

Metal fasteners can be affected by some chemicals and by weather over time.

Polymer fasteners are UV resistant and unaffected by chemicals such as chlorine, acid and solvents.

10. The Need for Removal from Tyre Re-Treads:

If tyre re-treads are your business then you know that metal staples need to be removed in the final stage of your processes. This can be labour intensive and requires cleaning up. Polymer fasteners will actually melt into the tread and can be left in place saving you both time and money in terms of labour.


If you’re in manufacturing and you work with timber or tyre re-treading then you need to consider the benefits of polymer fastenings over metal. In Australia and New Zealand you can source polymer fastenings from Braford Industries and at their website you’ll find all the technical specifications to enable you to determine if the product is right for you or your business.